Download a release of Apache Lens from here. Lens depends on Hive forked from Apache Hive. Download a release of hive from
Unpack the tarball.
tar zxvf apache-lens-<verison>-bin.tar.gz
This will result in the creation of a directory named apache-lens-verison-bin (where version is the release number).
apache-lens-<verison>-bin ├── client ├── LICENSE ├── NOTICE ├── README ├── LICENSE* └── server
apache-lens-<verison-bin/client> can be used as the Lens client installation directory and apache-lens-<verison-bin/server> can be used as the Lens server installation directory to run lens client and lens server respectively.
Unpack the tarball.
tar -xzvf hive-hive-release-<version>-inm.tar.gz
This will result in the creation of a directory named hive-hive-release-version-inm. This directory contains hive source code. Build hive binary using below commands.
cd hive-hive-release-<version>-inm mvn clean package -DskipTests -Phadoop-2,dist
This will result in creation of hive binary, which can be found at location packaging/target/apache-hive-version-inm-bin.tar.gz. Unpack the created hive tarball in the directory where you want to install hive.
tar zxvf apache-hive-<version>-inm-bin.tar.gz
This will result in creation of directory apache-hive-version-inm-bin. Set HIVE_HOME.
cd apache-hive-<version>-inm-bin export HIVE_HOME=`pwd`
├── bin │ ├── │ └── lens-ctl ├── conf │ ├── hivedriver-site.xml │ ├── jdbcdriver-site.xml │ ├── │ ├── lens-site.xml │ └── logback.xml ├── conf-pseudo-distr │ ├── hivedriver-site.xml │ ├── jdbcdriver-site.xml │ ├── │ ├── lens-site.xml │ └── logback.xml └── webapp └── lens-server.war
We will refer to Lens server installation directory as lens-install-dir in rest of the page. The bin folder provides lens-ctl which provides commands for starting and stopping the lens server. Other .sh files in bin are the scripts used by lens-ctl.
The server war is available in webapp/ folder, which would be expanded in the same directory. War would be expanded either by postinst script of debian or if debian is not used for installation, then it will be expanded on first server start. The lib folder contains all the dependent libraries.
Server configuration can be overridden in lens-site.xml. See server configuration for all the configuration parameters available and their default values. You can set up the environment variables such as JAVA_HOME, java options, heap size and etc in
The server logs go into logs/ folder in the lens-install-dir directory, unless overridden. The proper logging configuration can be provided in logback.xml file.
If server has HiveDriver as one of the drivers, the configuration for hive driver should be set up in hive-site.xml. All the available configuration of the HiveDriver can be found here.
Before starting the server, you need to set HADOOP_HOME and HIVE_HOME environment variables. These should point to the Hadoop and Hive installation directories.
Once env variables are set, you can use the following command to start the server:
bin/lens-ctl start
Once the server is up, you can go to the browser and open the server baseurl. You would see a message saying ‘Lens server is up’.
To check all other services are up and running, try baseurl/session, baseurl/queryapi, baseurl/metastore and all of them will respond with respective service is up.
You can try out examples described below or use the REST api link for each service.
Lens server also comes with simple UI service which can be used to browse catalog and submit queries. Once the server starts up, you can open the UI service on http://serverhost:19999/index.html and browse.
The command to stop the server:
bin/lens-ctl stop
├── bin │ ├── │ ├── │ └── ├── conf │ ├── lens-client-site.xml │ ├── │ └── logback.xml ├── examples │ ├── data │ │ ├── dim1_local │ │ │ └── │ │ └── dim2_local │ │ └── │ ├── queries │ │ └── dimension-queries.txt │ └── resources │ ├── db-storage.xml │ ├── dim1-local-part.xml │ ├── dim1-storage-tables.xml │ ├── dim2-local-part.xml │ ├── dim2-storage-tables.xml │ ├── dim_table.xml │ ├── dim_table2.xml │ ├── fact1-storage-tables.xml │ ├── fact1.xml │ ├── fact2-storage-tables.xml │ ├── fact2.xml │ ├── local-cluster-storage.xml │ ├── local-storage.xml │ ├── rawfact-storage-tables.xml │ ├── rawfact.xml │ └── sample-cube.xml └── lib ├── ST4-4.0.4.jar ……. └── xmlenc-0.52.jar
The bin folder provides various scripts for the client.
Client configuration can be overridden in lens-client-site.xml. See client configuration for all the configuration parameters available and their default values. You can set up the environment variables such as JAVA_HOME, java options, heap size and etc in
The client logs go into logs/ folder in the install directory, unless overridden. The proper logging configuration can be provided in logback.xml file.
Examples folder contains sample resource files, data files and query files which will be used by script.