Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Set<QueryContext> |
WaitingQueriesSelectionPolicy.selectQueries(FinishedLensQuery finishedQuery,
EstimatedImmutableQueryCollection waitingQueries)
Selects a subset of waiting queries eligible to move out of waiting state, based on logic of this selection policy.
Set<QueryContext> |
DriverSpecificWaitingQueriesSelectionPolicy.selectQueries(FinishedLensQuery finishedQuery,
EstimatedImmutableQueryCollection waitingQueries) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
boolean |
QueryLaunchingConstraint.allowsLaunchOf(QueryContext candidateQuery,
EstimatedImmutableQueryCollection launchedQueries)
Returns whether this constraint allows candidate query to be launched.
boolean |
MaxConcurrentDriverQueriesConstraint.allowsLaunchOf(QueryContext candidateQuery,
EstimatedImmutableQueryCollection launchedQueries) |
Modifier and Type | Interface and Description |
interface |
EstimatedQueryCollection |
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
Implementation which creates multiple in memory views of queries existing in lens system and owns responsibility of
keeping all the views consistent with each other.
class |
Makes an implementation of
EstimatedQueryCollection interface thread safe by wrapping all behaviours in
synchronized method. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Set<QueryContext> |
WaitingQueriesSelector.selectQueries(FinishedLensQuery finishedQuery,
EstimatedImmutableQueryCollection waitingQueries) |
Set<QueryContext> |
UserSpecificWaitingQueriesSelectionPolicy.selectQueries(FinishedLensQuery finishedQuery,
EstimatedImmutableQueryCollection waitingQueries) |
Set<QueryContext> |
IntersectingWaitingQueriesSelector.selectQueries(FinishedLensQuery finishedQuery,
EstimatedImmutableQueryCollection waitingQueries)
Selects queries eligible by all
WaitingQueriesSelectionPolicy to move them out of waiting state. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
boolean |
TotalQueryCostCeilingConstraint.allowsLaunchOf(QueryContext candidateQuery,
EstimatedImmutableQueryCollection launchedQueries)
This constraint allows a query to be launched by the user,
if total query cost of launched queries of
the user is less than or equal to the total query cost ceiling per user
the total query cost ceiling per user is not present.
boolean |
QueryLaunchingConstraintsChecker.canLaunch(QueryContext candidateQuery,
EstimatedImmutableQueryCollection launchedQueries) |
boolean |
DefaultQueryLaunchingConstraintsChecker.canLaunch(QueryContext candidateQuery,
EstimatedImmutableQueryCollection launchedQueries) |
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