Package | Description |
org.apache.lens.cube.metadata | |
org.apache.lens.cube.parse |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
FactPartition |
FactPartition.getContainingPart() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
int |
FactPartition.compareTo(FactPartition o) |
boolean |
CubeMetastoreClient.factPartitionExists(CubeFactTable fact,
FactPartition part,
String storageTableName)
extract storage name and check in timeline cache for existance
void |
FactPartition.setContainingPart(FactPartition containingPart) |
Constructor and Description |
FactPartition(String partCol,
Date partSpec,
UpdatePeriod period,
FactPartition containingPart,
DateFormat partFormat) |
FactPartition(String partCol,
Date partSpec,
UpdatePeriod period,
FactPartition containingPart,
DateFormat partFormat,
Set<String> storageTables) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Set<FactPartition> |
CandidateFact.getPartsQueried() |
Map<TimeRange,Map<String,LinkedHashSet<FactPartition>>> |
CandidateFact.getRangeToStoragePartMap() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
PartitionRangesForPartitionColumns.add(FactPartition part) |
static String |
TimeRangeUtils.getTimeRangePartitionFilter(FactPartition partition,
CubeQueryContext cubeQueryContext,
String tableName) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
String |
TimeRangeWriter.getTimeRangeWhereClause(CubeQueryContext cubeQueryContext,
String tableName,
Set<FactPartition> parts) |
String |
ORTimeRangeWriter.getTimeRangeWhereClause(CubeQueryContext cubeQueryContext,
String tableName,
Set<FactPartition> rangeParts) |
String |
BetweenTimeRangeWriter.getTimeRangeWhereClause(CubeQueryContext cubeQueryContext,
String tableName,
Set<FactPartition> rangeParts) |
String |
AbridgedTimeRangeWriter.getTimeRangeWhereClause(CubeQueryContext cubeQueryContext,
String tableName,
Set<FactPartition> parts)
Return IN clause for the partitions selected in the cube query
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