Package | Description |
org.apache.lens.api.metastore | |
org.apache.lens.client | |
org.apache.lens.server.api.metastore | |
org.apache.lens.server.metastore |
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
For XBaseCube, user would give the full specification of the measures and dimensions, expressions and
class |
For XDerivedCube, user would specify only the measure names, dimension names and its parent.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
JAXBElement<XCube> |
ObjectFactory.createXCube(XCube value)
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
JAXBElement<XCube> |
ObjectFactory.createXCube(XCube value)
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
XCube |
LensMetadataClient.getCube(String cubeName) |
XCube |
LensClient.getCube(String cubeName) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
APIResult |
LensMetadataClient.createCube(XCube cube) |
APIResult |
LensMetadataClient.updateCube(String cubeName,
XCube cube) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
XCube |
CubeMetastoreService.getCube(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
String cubeName)
Get a cube from the metastore
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
CubeMetastoreService.createCube(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
XCube cube)
Create a cube based on JAXB Cube object
void |
CubeMetastoreService.updateCube(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
XCube cube)
Update an existing cube
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
XCube |
CubeMetastoreServiceImpl.getCube(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
String cubeName)
Get a cube from the metastore
static XCube |
JAXBUtils.xCubeFromHiveCube(CubeInterface c)
Get XCube from hive.ql.metadata.Cube
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
JAXBElement<XCube> |
MetastoreResource.getCube(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
String cubeName)
Get the cube specified by name
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
CubeMetastoreServiceImpl.createCube(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
XCube cube)
Create cube based on the JAXB cube object
APIResult |
MetastoreResource.createNewCube(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
XCube cube)
Create a new cube
static CubeInterface |
JAXBUtils.hiveCubeFromXCube(XCube cube,
Cube parent)
Create a hive ql cube obejct from corresponding JAXB object
APIResult |
MetastoreResource.updateCube(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
String cubeName,
XCube cube)
Update cube definition
void |
CubeMetastoreServiceImpl.updateCube(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
XCube cube)
Update cube
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