Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static LensSessionHandle |
LensSessionHandle.valueOf(String sessionStr)
Value of.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
LensSessionHandle |
LensMLJerseyClient.getSessionHandle() |
LensSessionHandle |
LensMLClient.getSessionHandle() |
LensSessionHandle |
The session handle.
LensSessionHandle | password)
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
MLTestReport |
LensMLClient.testModel(LensSessionHandle session,
String table,
String algorithm,
String modelID,
String outputTable)
Evaluate model by running it against test data contained in the given table.
Constructor and Description |
LensConnection(LensConnectionParams params,
LensSessionHandle sessionHandle)
Construct a connection to lens server specified by connection parameters with an already established session
LensMLJerseyClient(LensConnection connection,
LensSessionHandle sessionHandle)
Instantiates a new lens ml jersey client.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
HiveDriver.closeSession(LensSessionHandle sessionHandle)
Close session.
boolean |
HiveDriver.hasLensSession(LensSessionHandle session)
Checks for lens session.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
MLTestReport |
LensML.testModel(LensSessionHandle session,
String table,
String algorithm,
String modelID,
String outputTable)
Evaluate model by running it against test data contained in the given table.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
MLTestReport |
LensMLImpl.testModel(LensSessionHandle sessionHandle,
String table,
String algorithm,
String modelID,
QueryRunner queryRunner,
String outputTable)
Evaluate a model.
MLTestReport |
LensMLImpl.testModel(LensSessionHandle session,
String table,
String algorithm,
String modelID,
String outputTable) |
MLTestReport |
LensMLImpl.testModelRemote(LensSessionHandle sessionHandle,
String table,
String algorithm,
String modelID,
String queryApiUrl,
String outputTable)
Test a model in embedded mode.
Constructor and Description |
QueryRunner(LensSessionHandle sessionHandle)
Instantiates a new query runner.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
String |
MLServiceResource.test(String algorithm,
String modelID,
String table,
LensSessionHandle session,
String outputTable)
Run a test on a model for an algorithm.
MLTestReport |
MLServiceImpl.testModel(LensSessionHandle sessionHandle,
String table,
String algorithm,
String modelID,
String outputTable) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
LensSessionHandle |
BaseLensService.openSession(String username,
String password,
Map<String,String> configuration)
Open session.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
BaseLensService.acquire(LensSessionHandle sessionHandle)
void |
BaseLensService.addResource(LensSessionHandle sessionHandle,
String type,
String path)
Adds the resource.
void |
BaseLensService.closeSession(LensSessionHandle sessionHandle)
Close session.
void |
BaseLensService.deleteResource(LensSessionHandle sessionHandle,
String type,
String path)
Delete resource.
static org.apache.hive.service.cli.SessionHandle |
BaseLensService.getHiveSessionHandle(LensSessionHandle lensHandle)
Gets the hive session handle.
org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration |
BaseLensService.getLensConf(LensSessionHandle sessionHandle,
LensConf conf)
Gets the lens conf.
LensSessionImpl |
BaseLensService.getSession(LensSessionHandle sessionHandle)
Gets the session.
void |
BaseLensService.release(LensSessionHandle sessionHandle)
void |
BaseLensService.restoreSession(LensSessionHandle sessionHandle,
String userName,
String password)
Restore session from previous instance of lens server.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
CubeMetastoreService.addDimTableStorage(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
String dimTblName,
XStorageTableElement storageTable)
Add a storage to dimension table
int |
CubeMetastoreService.addPartitionsToDimStorage(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
String dimTblName,
String storageName,
XPartitionList partitions)
Add partitions to dimension table on a storage.
int |
CubeMetastoreService.addPartitionsToFactStorage(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
String fact,
String storageName,
XPartitionList partitions)
Add partitions to fact on a storage
int |
CubeMetastoreService.addPartitionToDimStorage(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
String dimTblName,
String storageName,
XPartition partition)
Add partition to dimension table on a storage.
int |
CubeMetastoreService.addPartitionToFactStorage(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
String fact,
String storageName,
XPartition partition)
Add partition to fact on a storage
void |
CubeMetastoreService.addStorageToFact(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
String fact,
XStorageTableElement storageTable)
Add storage to fact table
void |
CubeMetastoreService.alterStorage(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
String storageName,
XStorage storage)
Alter storage specified by name, with new definition
void |
CubeMetastoreService.createCube(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
XCube cube)
Create a cube based on JAXB Cube object
void |
CubeMetastoreService.createDatabase(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
String database,
boolean ignore)
Create a database in the metastore
void |
CubeMetastoreService.createDimension(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
XDimension dimension)
Create a dimension based on JAXB Dimension object
void |
CubeMetastoreService.createDimensionTable(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
XDimensionTable xDimTable)
Create dimension table
void |
CubeMetastoreService.createFactTable(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
XFactTable fact)
Create fact table
void |
CubeMetastoreService.createStorage(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
XStorage storage)
Create a storage
void |
CubeMetastoreService.dropAllStoragesOfDimTable(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
String dimTblName)
Drop all storages of dimension table.
void |
CubeMetastoreService.dropAllStoragesOfFact(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
String factName)
Drop all storages of fact
void |
CubeMetastoreService.dropCube(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
String cubeName)
Drop a cube from the metastore in the currently deleted database.
void |
CubeMetastoreService.dropDatabase(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
String database,
boolean cascade)
Drop a database from cube metastore
void |
CubeMetastoreService.dropDimension(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
String dimName)
Drop a dimension from the metastore in the currently deleted database.
void |
CubeMetastoreService.dropDimensionTable(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
String dimTblName,
boolean cascade)
Drop a dimension table from the cube metastore
void |
CubeMetastoreService.dropFactTable(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
String fact,
boolean cascade)
Drop fact table.
void |
CubeMetastoreService.dropPartitionFromStorageByFilter(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
String cubeTableName,
String storageName,
String filter)
Drop partition from storage with spec specified by filter
void |
CubeMetastoreService.dropPartitionFromStorageByValues(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
String cubeTableName,
String storageName,
String values)
Drop partition from storage with spec specified as comma separated string
void |
CubeMetastoreService.dropStorage(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
String storageName)
Drop a storage specified by name
void |
CubeMetastoreService.dropStorageOfDimTable(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
String dimTblName,
String storage)
Drop storage of dimension table specified by name.
void |
CubeMetastoreService.dropStorageOfFact(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
String fact,
String storage)
Drop storage of fact specified by fact name, storage name
List<String> |
CubeMetastoreService.getAllBaseCubeNames(LensSessionHandle sessionid)
Get names of all base cube names in the current database
List<String> |
CubeMetastoreService.getAllCubeNames(LensSessionHandle sessionid)
Get names of all cubes in the current database, includes both base cubes and derived cubes
List<String> |
CubeMetastoreService.getAllDatabases(LensSessionHandle sessionid)
Get names of all databases in this metastore
List<String> |
CubeMetastoreService.getAllDerivedCubeNames(LensSessionHandle sessionid)
Get names of all derived cubes in the current database
List<String> |
CubeMetastoreService.getAllDimensionNames(LensSessionHandle sessionid)
Get all dimension names in the current session
List<String> |
CubeMetastoreService.getAllDimTableNames(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
String dimensionName)
Get all dimension tables.
List<String> |
CubeMetastoreService.getAllFactNames(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
String cubeName)
Get all fact names
XJoinChains |
CubeMetastoreService.getAllJoinChains(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
String table) |
List<String> |
CubeMetastoreService.getAllNativeTableNames(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
String dboption,
String dbName)
Get names of all native tables
XPartitionList |
CubeMetastoreService.getAllPartitionsOfDimTableStorage(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
String dimension,
String storageName,
String filter)
Get all partitions of a dimension table in a storage
XPartitionList |
CubeMetastoreService.getAllPartitionsOfFactStorage(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
String fact,
String storageName,
String filter)
Get all partitions of fact on a storage
List<String> |
CubeMetastoreService.getAllQueryableCubeNames(LensSessionHandle sessionid)
Get names of all cubes, which can be queried in the current database
List<String> |
CubeMetastoreService.getAllStorageNames(LensSessionHandle sessionid)
Get all storage names in current database
XCube |
CubeMetastoreService.getCube(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
String cubeName)
Get a cube from the metastore
String |
CubeMetastoreService.getCurrentDatabase(LensSessionHandle sessionid)
Get current database used by the CubeMetastoreClient
XDimension |
CubeMetastoreService.getDimension(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
String dimName)
Get a dimension from the metastore
XDimensionTable |
CubeMetastoreService.getDimensionTable(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
String dimTblName)
Get the dimension table from metastore
List<String> |
CubeMetastoreService.getDimTableStorages(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
String dimTblName)
Get all storages of dimension table
XFactTable |
CubeMetastoreService.getFactTable(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
String fact)
Get fact table given by name
XFlattenedColumns |
CubeMetastoreService.getFlattenedColumns(LensSessionHandle sessionHandle,
String tableName,
boolean addChains)
Get flattened columns - all columns of table + all reachable columns
Date |
CubeMetastoreService.getLatestDateOfCube(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
String cubeName,
String timeDimension)
Get the latest available date upto which data is available for the base cubes, for the time dimension
XNativeTable |
CubeMetastoreService.getNativeTable(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
String name)
Get native table for the given name
List<String> |
CubeMetastoreService.getPartitionTimelines(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
String factName,
String storage,
String updatePeriod,
String timeDimension) |
XStorage |
CubeMetastoreService.getStorage(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
String storageName)
Get Storage specified by name
XStorageTableElement |
CubeMetastoreService.getStorageOfDim(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
String dimTblName,
String storageName)
Get storage table element associated with dimension table for storage name specified
XStorageTableElement |
CubeMetastoreService.getStorageOfFact(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
String fact,
String storageName)
Get storage table of fact specifed by fact name, storage name
List<String> |
CubeMetastoreService.getStoragesOfFact(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
String fact)
Get all storages of fact
void |
CubeMetastoreService.setCurrentDatabase(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
String database)
Change the current database used by the CubeMetastoreClient
void |
CubeMetastoreService.updateCube(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
XCube cube)
Update an existing cube
void |
CubeMetastoreService.updateDimension(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
String dimName,
XDimension dimension)
Update an existing dimension
void |
CubeMetastoreService.updateDimensionTable(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
XDimensionTable dimensionTable)
Update/Alter the dimension table
void |
CubeMetastoreService.updateFactTable(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
XFactTable fact)
Update/Alter fact table
void |
CubeMetastoreService.updatePartition(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
String tblName,
String storageName,
XPartition partition) |
void |
CubeMetastoreService.updatePartitions(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
String tblName,
String storageName,
XPartitionList partitions) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
boolean |
QueryExecutionService.cancelQuery(LensSessionHandle sessionHandle,
QueryHandle queryHandle)
Cancel the execution of the query, specified by the handle.
void |
QueryExecutionService.closeResultSet(LensSessionHandle sessionHandle,
QueryHandle queryHandle)
Closes result set by releasing any resources used in serving the resultset.
boolean |
QueryExecutionService.destroyPrepared(LensSessionHandle sessionHandle,
QueryPrepareHandle prepared)
Destroy a prepared query.
QueryCost |
QueryExecutionService.estimate(String requestId,
LensSessionHandle sessionHandle,
String query,
LensConf conf)
Estimate the cost of given query.
QueryHandleWithResultSet |
QueryExecutionService.execute(LensSessionHandle sessionHandle,
String query,
long timeoutmillis,
LensConf conf,
String queryName)
Execute the query with a timeout.
QueryHandle |
QueryExecutionService.executeAsync(LensSessionHandle sessionHandle,
String query,
LensConf conf,
String queryName)
Asynchronously execute the query.
QueryHandleWithResultSet |
QueryExecutionService.executePrepare(LensSessionHandle sessionHandle,
QueryPrepareHandle prepareHandle,
long timeoutmillis,
LensConf conf,
String queryName)
Execute already prepared query with timeout.
QueryHandle |
QueryExecutionService.executePrepareAsync(LensSessionHandle sessionHandle,
QueryPrepareHandle prepareHandle,
LensConf conf,
String queryName)
Execute already prepared query asynchronously.
QueryPlan |
QueryExecutionService.explain(String requestId,
LensSessionHandle sessionHandle,
String query,
LensConf conf)
Explain the given query.
QueryPlan |
QueryExecutionService.explainAndPrepare(LensSessionHandle sessionHandle,
String query,
LensConf conf,
String queryName)
Explain the given query and prepare it as well.
QueryResult |
QueryExecutionService.fetchResultSet(LensSessionHandle sessionHandle,
QueryHandle queryHandle,
long startIndex,
int fetchSize)
Fetch the results of the query, specified by the handle.
List<QueryPrepareHandle> |
QueryExecutionService.getAllPreparedQueries(LensSessionHandle sessionHandle,
String user,
String queryName,
long fromDate,
long toDate)
Returns all the prepared queries for the specified user.
List<QueryHandle> |
QueryExecutionService.getAllQueries(LensSessionHandle sessionHandle,
String state,
String user,
String queryName,
long fromDate,
long toDate)
Returns all the queries in the specified state, for the given user and matching query name.
| |
QueryExecutionService.getHttpResultSet(LensSessionHandle sessionHandle,
QueryHandle queryHandle)
Get the http end point for the result set.
LensPreparedQuery |
QueryExecutionService.getPreparedQuery(LensSessionHandle sessionHandle,
QueryPrepareHandle prepareHandle)
Get prepared query.
LensQuery |
QueryExecutionService.getQuery(LensSessionHandle sessionHandle,
QueryHandle queryHandle)
Get the query, specified by the handle.
QueryResultSetMetadata |
QueryExecutionService.getResultSetMetadata(LensSessionHandle sessionHandle,
QueryHandle queryHandle)
Get the result set metadata - list of columns(names and types) and result size.
QueryPrepareHandle |
QueryExecutionService.prepare(LensSessionHandle sessionHandle,
String query,
LensConf conf,
String queryName)
Prepare the query.
boolean |
QueryExecutionService.updateQueryConf(LensSessionHandle sessionHandle,
QueryHandle queryHandle,
LensConf newconf)
Update the query conf.
boolean |
QueryExecutionService.updateQueryConf(LensSessionHandle sessionHandle,
QueryPrepareHandle prepareHandle,
LensConf newconf)
Update configuration for prepared query.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
LensSessionHandle |
The lens session handle.
LensSessionHandle |
SessionService.openSession(String username,
String password,
String database,
Map<String,String> configuration)
Open session.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
SessionService.addResource(LensSessionHandle sessionHandle,
String type,
String path)
Adds the resource.
int |
SessionService.addResourceToAllServices(LensSessionHandle sessionHandle,
String type,
String path)
Adds the resource to all services.
void |
SessionService.closeSession(LensSessionHandle sessionHandle)
Close session.
void |
SessionService.deleteResource(LensSessionHandle sessionHandle,
String type,
String path)
Delete resource.
List<String> |
SessionService.getAllSessionParameters(LensSessionHandle sessionHandle,
boolean verbose,
String key)
Gets the all session parameters.
boolean |
SessionService.isOpen(LensSessionHandle sessionHandle)
Returns true if the session is open
List<String> |
SessionService.listAllResources(LensSessionHandle sessionHandle,
String type)
Lists resources from the session service
void |
SessionService.restoreSession(LensSessionHandle sessionHandle,
String userName,
String password)
Restore session from previous instance of lens server.
void |
SessionService.setSessionParameter(LensSessionHandle sessionHandle,
String key,
String value)
Sets the session parameter.
Constructor and Description |
SessionClosed(long eventTime,
LensSessionHandle handle)
Instantiates a session closed event
SessionEvent(long eventTime,
LensSessionHandle handle)
Instantiates a new session event
SessionExpired(long eventTime,
LensSessionHandle handle)
Instantiates a session expired event
SessionOpened(long eventTime,
LensSessionHandle handle,
String user)
Instantiates a session opened event
SessionRestored(long eventTime,
LensSessionHandle handle)
Instantiates a session restored event
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
CubeMetastoreServiceImpl.addDimTableStorage(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
String dimTblName,
XStorageTableElement storageTable) |
APIResult |
MetastoreResource.addPartitionsToDimStorage(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
String dimTableName,
String storage,
XPartitionList partitions)
Add new partitions for a storage of dimension
int |
CubeMetastoreServiceImpl.addPartitionsToDimStorage(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
String dimTblName,
String storageName,
XPartitionList partitions) |
APIResult |
MetastoreResource.addPartitionsToFactStorage(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
String factName,
String storage,
XPartitionList partitions)
Batch Add partitions for a storage of fact
int |
CubeMetastoreServiceImpl.addPartitionsToFactStorage(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
String fact,
String storageName,
XPartitionList partitions) |
APIResult |
MetastoreResource.addPartitionToDimStorage(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
String dimTableName,
String storage,
XPartition partition)
Add a new partition for a storage of dimension
int |
CubeMetastoreServiceImpl.addPartitionToDimStorage(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
String dimTblName,
String storageName,
XPartition partition) |
APIResult |
MetastoreResource.addPartitionToFactStorage(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
String factName,
String storage,
XPartition partition)
Add a new partition for a storage of fact
int |
CubeMetastoreServiceImpl.addPartitionToFactStorage(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
String fact,
String storageName,
XPartition partition) |
APIResult |
MetastoreResource.addStorageToFact(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
String factName,
XStorageTableElement storageTable)
Add storage to fact table
void |
CubeMetastoreServiceImpl.addStorageToFact(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
String fact,
XStorageTableElement storageTable) |
void |
CubeMetastoreServiceImpl.alterStorage(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
String storageName,
XStorage storage) |
void |
CubeMetastoreServiceImpl.createCube(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
XCube cube)
Create cube based on the JAXB cube object
APIResult |
MetastoreResource.createDatabase(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
boolean ignoreIfExisting,
String dbName)
Create a new database
void |
CubeMetastoreServiceImpl.createDatabase(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
String database,
boolean ignore)
Create a database in Hive metastore
APIResult |
MetastoreResource.createDimension(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
XDimension dimension)
Create new dimension
void |
CubeMetastoreServiceImpl.createDimension(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
XDimension dimension) |
APIResult |
MetastoreResource.createDimensionStorage(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
String dimTableName,
XStorageTableElement storageTbl)
Add storage to dimension table
APIResult |
MetastoreResource.createDimensionTable(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
XDimensionTable dimensionTable)
Create a new dimension table
void |
CubeMetastoreServiceImpl.createDimensionTable(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
XDimensionTable xDimTable)
Create a cube dimension table based on JAXB object
APIResult |
MetastoreResource.createFactTable(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
XFactTable fact)
Create a new fact tabble
void |
CubeMetastoreServiceImpl.createFactTable(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
XFactTable fact) |
APIResult |
MetastoreResource.createNewCube(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
XCube cube)
Create a new cube
APIResult |
MetastoreResource.createNewStorage(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
XStorage storage)
Create new storage
void |
CubeMetastoreServiceImpl.createStorage(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
XStorage storage) |
APIResult |
MetastoreResource.deleteAllCubes(LensSessionHandle sessionid)
Delete all cubes
APIResult |
MetastoreResource.deleteAllDimensions(LensSessionHandle sessionid)
Delete all dimensions in metastore
APIResult |
MetastoreResource.deleteAllFacts(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
boolean cascade)
Delete all fact tables
APIResult |
MetastoreResource.deleteAllStorages(LensSessionHandle sessionid)
Delete all storages in metastore
APIResult |
MetastoreResource.dropAllStoragesOfDim(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
String dimTableName)
Drop all the storage tables of a dimension table
void |
CubeMetastoreServiceImpl.dropAllStoragesOfDimTable(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
String dimTblName) |
APIResult |
MetastoreResource.dropAllStoragesOfFact(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
String factName)
Drop all the storage tables of a fact table
void |
CubeMetastoreServiceImpl.dropAllStoragesOfFact(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
String factName) |
APIResult |
MetastoreResource.dropCube(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
String cubeName)
Drop the cube, specified by name
void |
CubeMetastoreServiceImpl.dropCube(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
String cubeName)
Drop a cube from the metastore in the currently deleted database
APIResult |
MetastoreResource.dropDatabase(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
String dbName,
boolean cascade)
Delete the db specified by name.
void |
CubeMetastoreServiceImpl.dropDatabase(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
String database,
boolean cascade)
Drop a database from cube metastore
APIResult |
MetastoreResource.dropDimension(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
String dimName)
Drop the dimension, specified by name
void |
CubeMetastoreServiceImpl.dropDimension(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
String dimName) |
APIResult |
MetastoreResource.dropDimensionTable(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
String dimension,
boolean cascade)
Drop the dimension table, specified by name
void |
CubeMetastoreServiceImpl.dropDimensionTable(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
String dimTblName,
boolean cascade) |
APIResult |
MetastoreResource.dropFactTable(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
String factName,
boolean cascade)
Drop the fact table, specified by name
void |
CubeMetastoreServiceImpl.dropFactTable(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
String fact,
boolean cascade) |
void |
CubeMetastoreServiceImpl.dropPartitionFromStorageByFilter(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
String cubeTableName,
String storageName,
String filter) |
void |
CubeMetastoreServiceImpl.dropPartitionFromStorageByValues(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
String cubeTableName,
String storageName,
String values) |
APIResult |
MetastoreResource.dropPartitionOfFactStorageByValues(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
String factName,
String storage,
String values)
Drop the partitions in the storage of a fact table, specified by exact values
APIResult |
MetastoreResource.dropPartitionsOfDimStorageByFilter(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
String dimTableName,
String storage,
String filter)
Drop the partitions in the storage of a dimension table; can specified filter as well
APIResult |
MetastoreResource.dropPartitionsOfDimStorageByValue(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
String dimTableName,
String storage,
String values)
Drop the partitions in the storage of a dimension table, specified by exact values
APIResult |
MetastoreResource.dropPartitionsOfFactStorageByFilter(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
String factName,
String storage,
String filter)
Drop the partitions in the storage of a fact; can specified filter as well
APIResult |
MetastoreResource.dropStorage(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
String storageName)
Drop the storage, specified by name
void |
CubeMetastoreServiceImpl.dropStorage(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
String storageName) |
APIResult |
MetastoreResource.dropStorageFromFact(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
String factName,
String storage)
Drop the storage of a fact, specified by name
APIResult |
MetastoreResource.dropStorageOfDim(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
String dimTableName,
String storage)
Drop the storage of a dimension table, specified by name
void |
CubeMetastoreServiceImpl.dropStorageOfDimTable(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
String dimTblName,
String storage) |
void |
CubeMetastoreServiceImpl.dropStorageOfFact(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
String fact,
String storage) |
List<String> |
CubeMetastoreServiceImpl.getAllBaseCubeNames(LensSessionHandle sessionid) |
List<String> |
CubeMetastoreServiceImpl.getAllCubeNames(LensSessionHandle sessionid)
Get list of all cubes names in the current database
StringList |
MetastoreResource.getAllCubes(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
String cubeTypes)
Get all cubes in the metastores, of the specified type
StringList |
MetastoreResource.getAllDatabases(LensSessionHandle sessionid)
Get all databases in the metastore
List<String> |
CubeMetastoreServiceImpl.getAllDatabases(LensSessionHandle sessionid) |
List<String> |
CubeMetastoreServiceImpl.getAllDerivedCubeNames(LensSessionHandle sessionid) |
StringList |
MetastoreResource.getAllDimensionNames(LensSessionHandle sessionid)
Get all dimensions in the metastore
List<String> |
CubeMetastoreServiceImpl.getAllDimensionNames(LensSessionHandle sessionid) |
StringList |
MetastoreResource.getAllDimensionTablesOfDimension(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
String dimensionName)
Get all dimtables that belong to a dimension in the metastore
StringList |
MetastoreResource.getAllDims(LensSessionHandle sessionid)
Get all dimension tables in the metastore
List<String> |
CubeMetastoreServiceImpl.getAllDimTableNames(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
String dimensionName) |
List<String> |
CubeMetastoreServiceImpl.getAllFactNames(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
String cubeName) |
StringList |
MetastoreResource.getAllFacts(LensSessionHandle sessionid)
Get all fact tables in the metastore in the current database
StringList |
MetastoreResource.getAllFactsOfCube(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
String cubeName)
Get all facts that belong to a cube in the metastore
JAXBElement<XJoinChains> |
MetastoreResource.getAllJoinChains(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
String tableName)
Get all chains that belong to a table(cube or dimension) in the metastore
XJoinChains |
CubeMetastoreServiceImpl.getAllJoinChains(LensSessionHandle sessionHandle,
String tableName) |
List<String> |
CubeMetastoreServiceImpl.getAllNativeTableNames(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
String dbOption,
String dbName) |
StringList |
MetastoreResource.getAllNativeTables(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
String dbOption,
String dbName)
Get all native tables.
JAXBElement<XPartitionList> |
MetastoreResource.getAllPartitionsOfDimStorage(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
String dimension,
String storage,
String filter)
Get all partition of the dimension table in the specified storage; can be filtered
XPartitionList |
CubeMetastoreServiceImpl.getAllPartitionsOfDimTableStorage(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
String dimension,
String storageName,
String filter) |
XPartitionList |
CubeMetastoreServiceImpl.getAllPartitionsOfFactStorage(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
String fact,
String storageName,
String filter) |
JAXBElement<XPartitionList> |
MetastoreResource.getAllPartitionsOfFactStorageByFilter(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
String factName,
String storage,
String filter)
Get all partitions of the fact table in the specified storage; can be filtered as well.
List<String> |
CubeMetastoreServiceImpl.getAllQueryableCubeNames(LensSessionHandle sessionid) |
List<String> |
CubeMetastoreServiceImpl.getAllStorageNames(LensSessionHandle sessionid) |
StringList |
MetastoreResource.getAllStorages(LensSessionHandle sessionid)
Get all storages in the metastore
JAXBElement<XCube> |
MetastoreResource.getCube(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
String cubeName)
Get the cube specified by name
XCube |
CubeMetastoreServiceImpl.getCube(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
String cubeName)
Get a cube from the metastore
String |
CubeMetastoreServiceImpl.getCurrentDatabase(LensSessionHandle sessionid)
Get current database used by the CubeMetastoreClient
String |
MetastoreResource.getDatabase(LensSessionHandle sessionid)
Get the current database
JAXBElement<XDimension> |
MetastoreResource.getDimension(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
String dimName)
Get the dimension specified by name
XDimension |
CubeMetastoreServiceImpl.getDimension(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
String dimName) |
StringList |
MetastoreResource.getDimensionStorages(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
String dimension)
Get all storages of the dimension table in the metastore
JAXBElement<XDimensionTable> |
MetastoreResource.getDimensionTable(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
String dimTableName)
Get the dimension table specified by name
XDimensionTable |
CubeMetastoreServiceImpl.getDimensionTable(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
String dimTblName) |
List<String> |
CubeMetastoreServiceImpl.getDimTableStorages(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
String dimension) |
JAXBElement<XFactTable> |
MetastoreResource.getFactTable(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
String factName)
Get the fact table specified by name
XFactTable |
CubeMetastoreServiceImpl.getFactTable(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
String fact) |
JAXBElement<XFlattenedColumns> |
MetastoreResource.getFlattenedColumns(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
String tableName,
boolean addChains)
Get flattened list of columns reachable from a cube or a dimension
XFlattenedColumns |
CubeMetastoreServiceImpl.getFlattenedColumns(LensSessionHandle sessionHandle,
String tableName,
boolean addChains) |
DateTime |
MetastoreResource.getLatestDateOfCube(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
String cubeName,
String timeDimension)
Get the latest available date upto which data is available for the base cubes, for the time dimension.
Date |
CubeMetastoreServiceImpl.getLatestDateOfCube(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
String cubeName,
String timeDimension) |
JAXBElement<XNativeTable> |
MetastoreResource.getNativeTable(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
String tableName)
Get the native table passed in name
XNativeTable |
CubeMetastoreServiceImpl.getNativeTable(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
String name) |
StringList |
MetastoreResource.getPartitionTimelines(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
String factName,
String storage,
String updatePeriod,
String timeDimension)
Get the partition timelines.
List<String> |
CubeMetastoreServiceImpl.getPartitionTimelines(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
String factName,
String storage,
String updatePeriod,
String timeDimension) |
JAXBElement<XStorage> |
MetastoreResource.getStorage(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
String storageName)
Get the storage specified by name
XStorage |
CubeMetastoreServiceImpl.getStorage(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
String storageName) |
JAXBElement<XStorageTableElement> |
MetastoreResource.getStorageOfDim(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
String dimTableName,
String storage)
Get the dim storage table
XStorageTableElement |
CubeMetastoreServiceImpl.getStorageOfDim(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
String dimTblName,
String storageName) |
JAXBElement<XStorageTableElement> |
MetastoreResource.getStorageOfFact(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
String factName,
String storage)
Get the fact storage table
XStorageTableElement |
CubeMetastoreServiceImpl.getStorageOfFact(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
String fact,
String storageName) |
StringList |
MetastoreResource.getStoragesOfFact(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
String factName)
Get all storages of the fact table in the metastore
List<String> |
CubeMetastoreServiceImpl.getStoragesOfFact(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
String fact) |
void |
CubeMetastoreServiceImpl.setCurrentDatabase(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
String database)
Change the current database used by the CubeMetastoreClient
APIResult |
MetastoreResource.setDatabase(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
String dbName)
Set the current db
APIResult |
MetastoreResource.updateCube(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
String cubeName,
XCube cube)
Update cube definition
void |
CubeMetastoreServiceImpl.updateCube(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
XCube cube)
Update cube
APIResult |
MetastoreResource.updateCubeDimension(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
String dimTableName,
XDimensionTable dimensionTable)
Update dimension table definition
APIResult |
MetastoreResource.updateDimension(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
String dimName,
XDimension dimension)
Update dimension definition
void |
CubeMetastoreServiceImpl.updateDimension(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
String dimName,
XDimension dimension) |
void |
CubeMetastoreServiceImpl.updateDimensionTable(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
XDimensionTable dimensionTable) |
APIResult |
MetastoreResource.updateFactTable(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
String factName,
XFactTable fact)
Update fact table definition
void |
CubeMetastoreServiceImpl.updateFactTable(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
XFactTable fact) |
void |
CubeMetastoreServiceImpl.updatePartition(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
String tblName,
String storageName,
XPartition xPartition) |
APIResult |
MetastoreResource.updatePartitionOfDimStorage(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
String dimTableName,
String storage,
XPartition partition)
Updates an existing partition for a storage of dimension
APIResult |
MetastoreResource.updatePartitionOfFactStorage(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
String factName,
String storage,
XPartition partition)
updates an existing partition for a storage of fact
void |
CubeMetastoreServiceImpl.updatePartitions(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
String tblName,
String storageName,
XPartitionList xPartitions) |
APIResult |
MetastoreResource.updatePartitionsOfDimStorage(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
String dimTableName,
String storage,
XPartitionList partitions)
Add new partitions for a storage of dimension
APIResult |
MetastoreResource.updatePartitionsOfFactStorage(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
String factName,
String storage,
XPartitionList partitions)
Batch Update partitions for a storage of fact
APIResult |
MetastoreResource.updateStorage(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
String storageName,
XStorage storage)
Update storage definition
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
APIResult |
QueryServiceResource.cancelAllQueries(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
String state,
String user,
String queryName,
long fromDate,
long toDate)
Cancel all the queries in query server; can be filtered with state and user.
boolean |
QueryExecutionServiceImpl.cancelQuery(LensSessionHandle sessionHandle,
QueryHandle queryHandle) |
APIResult |
QueryServiceResource.cancelQuery(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
String queryHandle)
Cancel the query specified by the handle.
void |
QueryExecutionServiceImpl.closeDriverSessions(LensSessionHandle sessionHandle)
Allow drivers to release resources acquired for a session if any.
void |
QueryExecutionServiceImpl.closeResultSet(LensSessionHandle sessionHandle,
QueryHandle queryHandle) |
APIResult |
QueryServiceResource.closeResultSet(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
String queryHandle)
Close the result set once fetching is done.
void |
QueryExecutionServiceImpl.closeSession(LensSessionHandle sessionHandle) |
void |
QueryExecutionServiceImpl.deleteResource(LensSessionHandle sessionHandle,
String type,
String path) |
boolean |
QueryExecutionServiceImpl.destroyPrepared(LensSessionHandle sessionHandle,
QueryPrepareHandle prepared) |
APIResult |
QueryServiceResource.destroyPrepared(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
String prepareHandle)
Destroy the prepared query specified by handle.
APIResult |
QueryServiceResource.destroyPreparedQueries(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
String user,
String queryName,
long fromDate,
long toDate)
Destroy all the prepared queries; Can be filtered with user.
QueryCost |
QueryExecutionServiceImpl.estimate(String requestId,
LensSessionHandle sessionHandle,
String query,
LensConf lensConf) |
QueryHandleWithResultSet |
QueryExecutionServiceImpl.execute(LensSessionHandle sessionHandle,
String query,
long timeoutMillis,
LensConf conf,
String queryName) |
QueryHandle |
QueryExecutionServiceImpl.executeAsync(LensSessionHandle sessionHandle,
String query,
LensConf conf,
String queryName) |
QueryHandleWithResultSet |
QueryExecutionServiceImpl.executePrepare(LensSessionHandle sessionHandle,
QueryPrepareHandle prepareHandle,
long timeoutMillis,
LensConf conf,
String queryName) |
QueryHandle |
QueryExecutionServiceImpl.executePrepareAsync(LensSessionHandle sessionHandle,
QueryPrepareHandle prepareHandle,
LensConf conf,
String queryName) |
QuerySubmitResult |
QueryServiceResource.executePrepared(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
String prepareHandle,
String operation,
LensConf conf,
Long timeoutmillis,
String queryName)
Submit prepared query for execution.
QueryPlan |
QueryExecutionServiceImpl.explain(String requestId,
LensSessionHandle sessionHandle,
String query,
LensConf lensConf) |
QueryPlan |
QueryExecutionServiceImpl.explainAndPrepare(LensSessionHandle sessionHandle,
String query,
LensConf lensConf,
String queryName) |
QueryResult |
QueryExecutionServiceImpl.fetchResultSet(LensSessionHandle sessionHandle,
QueryHandle queryHandle,
long startIndex,
int fetchSize) |
List<QueryPrepareHandle> |
QueryServiceResource.getAllPreparedQueries(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
String user,
String queryName,
long fromDate,
long toDate)
Get all prepared queries in the query server; can be filtered with user.
List<QueryPrepareHandle> |
QueryExecutionServiceImpl.getAllPreparedQueries(LensSessionHandle sessionHandle,
String user,
String queryName,
long fromDate,
long toDate) |
List<QueryHandle> |
QueryServiceResource.getAllQueries(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
String state,
String queryName,
String user,
long fromDate,
long toDate)
Get all the queries in the query server; can be filtered with state and queryName.
List<QueryHandle> |
QueryExecutionServiceImpl.getAllQueries(LensSessionHandle sessionHandle,
String state,
String userName,
String queryName,
long fromDate,
long toDate) | |
QueryExecutionServiceImpl.getHttpResultSet(LensSessionHandle sessionHandle,
QueryHandle queryHandle) | |
QueryServiceResource.getHttpResultSet(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
String queryHandle)
Get the http endpoint for result set.
LensPreparedQuery |
QueryExecutionServiceImpl.getPreparedQuery(LensSessionHandle sessionHandle,
QueryPrepareHandle prepareHandle) |
LensPreparedQuery |
QueryServiceResource.getPreparedQuery(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
String prepareHandle)
Get a prepared query specified by handle.
LensQuery |
QueryExecutionServiceImpl.getQuery(LensSessionHandle sessionHandle,
QueryHandle queryHandle) |
QueryResult |
QueryServiceResource.getResultSet(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
String queryHandle,
long startIndex,
int fetchSize)
Fetch the result set.
QueryResultSetMetadata |
QueryExecutionServiceImpl.getResultSetMetadata(LensSessionHandle sessionHandle,
QueryHandle queryHandle) |
QueryResultSetMetadata |
QueryServiceResource.getResultSetMetadata(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
String queryHandle)
Get resultset metadata of the query.
LensQuery |
QueryServiceResource.getStatus(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
String queryHandle)
Get lens query and its current status.
QueryPrepareHandle |
QueryExecutionServiceImpl.prepare(LensSessionHandle sessionHandle,
String query,
LensConf lensConf,
String queryName) |
QuerySubmitResult |
QueryServiceResource.prepareQuery(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
String query,
String operation,
LensConf conf,
String queryName)
Prepare a query or 'explain and prepare' the query.
LensAPIResult<? extends QuerySubmitResult> |
QueryServiceResource.query(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
String query,
String operation,
LensConf conf,
Long timeoutmillis,
String queryName)
Submit the query for explain or execute or execute with a timeout.
APIResult |
QueryServiceResource.updateConf(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
String queryHandle,
LensConf conf)
Modify query configuration if it is not running yet.
APIResult |
QueryServiceResource.updatePreparedConf(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
String prepareHandle,
LensConf conf)
Modify prepared query's configuration.
boolean |
QueryExecutionServiceImpl.updateQueryConf(LensSessionHandle sessionHandle,
QueryHandle queryHandle,
LensConf newconf) |
boolean |
QueryExecutionServiceImpl.updateQueryConf(LensSessionHandle sessionHandle,
QueryPrepareHandle prepareHandle,
LensConf newconf) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
LensSessionHandle |
LensSessionImpl.LensSessionPersistInfo.getSessionHandle() |
LensSessionHandle |
SessionResource.openSession(String username,
String password,
String database,
LensConf sessionconf)
Create a new session with Lens server.
LensSessionHandle |
HiveSessionService.openSession(String username,
String password,
String database,
Map<String,String> configuration)
Open session.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
APIResult |
SessionResource.addResource(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
String type,
String path)
Add a resource to the session to all LensServices running in this Lens server
void |
HiveSessionService.addResource(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
String type,
String path)
Adds the resource.
int |
HiveSessionService.addResourceToAllServices(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
String type,
String path)
Adds the resource to all services.
APIResult |
SessionResource.closeSession(LensSessionHandle sessionid)
Close a Lens server session.
void |
HiveSessionService.closeSession(LensSessionHandle sessionHandle)
Close session.
APIResult |
SessionResource.deleteResource(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
String type,
String path)
Delete a resource from sesssion from all the @{link LensService}s running in this Lens server
void |
HiveSessionService.deleteResource(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
String type,
String path)
Delete resource.
List<String> |
HiveSessionService.getAllSessionParameters(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
boolean verbose,
String key)
Gets the all session parameters.
StringList |
SessionResource.getParams(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
boolean verbose,
String key)
Get a list of key=value parameters set for this session.
boolean |
HiveSessionService.isOpen(LensSessionHandle sessionHandle) |
List<String> |
HiveSessionService.listAllResources(LensSessionHandle sessionHandle,
String type) |
StringList |
SessionResource.listResources(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
String type)
Lists resources from the session for a given resource type.
APIResult |
SessionResource.setParam(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
String key,
String value)
Set value for a parameter specified by key
void |
LensSessionImpl.LensSessionPersistInfo.setSessionHandle(LensSessionHandle sessionHandle) |
void |
HiveSessionService.setSessionParameter(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
String key,
String value)
Sets the session parameter.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static LensSessionHandle |
SessionUIResource.getOpenSession(UUID id)
get open session from uuid
LensSessionHandle |
SessionUIResource.openSession(String username,
String password,
String database,
LensConf sessionconf)
Create a new session with Lens server.
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