Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static APIResult |
APIResult.failure(Exception e) |
static APIResult |
APIResult.partial(Exception e) |
static APIResult |
APIResult.partial(int actual,
int expected) |
static APIResult |
APIResult.success() |
static APIResult |
APIResult.successOrPartialOrFailure(int actual,
int expected) |
static APIResult |
APIResult.successOrPartialOrFailure(int actual,
int expected,
Exception e) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
abstract APIResult |
PhysicalTableCrudCommand.doAddStorage(String name,
String path) |
APIResult |
LensFactCommands.doAddStorage(String name,
String path) |
APIResult |
LensDimensionTableCommands.doAddStorage(String name,
String path) |
abstract APIResult |
PhysicalTableCrudCommand.doDropAllStorages(String name) |
APIResult |
LensFactCommands.doDropAllStorages(String name) |
APIResult |
LensDimensionTableCommands.doDropAllStorages(String name) |
abstract APIResult |
PhysicalTableCrudCommand.doDropStorage(String tableName,
String storageName) |
APIResult |
LensFactCommands.doDropStorage(String tableName,
String storageName) |
APIResult |
LensDimensionTableCommands.doDropStorage(String tableName,
String storageName) |
APIResult |
LensStorageCommands.doUpdate(String name,
String path) |
APIResult |
LensNativeTableCommands.doUpdate(String name,
String path) |
APIResult |
LensFactCommands.doUpdate(String name,
String path) |
APIResult |
LensDimensionTableCommands.doUpdate(String name,
String path) |
APIResult |
LensDimensionCommands.doUpdate(String name,
String path) |
APIResult |
LensDatabaseCommands.doUpdate(String name,
String path) |
APIResult |
LensCubeCommands.doUpdate(String name,
String path) |
abstract APIResult |
LensCRUDCommand.doUpdate(String name,
String path) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static APIResult |
Util.getApiResult( response) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
APIResult |
MetastoreResource.addPartitionsToDimStorage(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
String dimTableName,
String storage,
XPartitionList partitions)
Add new partitions for a storage of dimension
APIResult |
MetastoreResource.addPartitionsToFactStorage(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
String factName,
String storage,
XPartitionList partitions)
Batch Add partitions for a storage of fact
APIResult |
MetastoreResource.addPartitionToDimStorage(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
String dimTableName,
String storage,
XPartition partition)
Add a new partition for a storage of dimension
APIResult |
MetastoreResource.addPartitionToFactStorage(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
String factName,
String storage,
XPartition partition)
Add a new partition for a storage of fact
APIResult |
MetastoreResource.addStorageToFact(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
String factName,
XStorageTableElement storageTable)
Add storage to fact table
APIResult |
MetastoreResource.createDatabase(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
boolean ignoreIfExisting,
String dbName)
Create a new database
APIResult |
MetastoreResource.createDimension(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
XDimension dimension)
Create new dimension
APIResult |
MetastoreResource.createDimensionStorage(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
String dimTableName,
XStorageTableElement storageTbl)
Add storage to dimension table
APIResult |
MetastoreResource.createDimensionTable(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
XDimensionTable dimensionTable)
Create a new dimension table
APIResult |
MetastoreResource.createFactTable(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
XFactTable fact)
Create a new fact tabble
APIResult |
MetastoreResource.createNewCube(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
XCube cube)
Create a new cube
APIResult |
MetastoreResource.createNewStorage(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
XStorage storage)
Create new storage
APIResult |
MetastoreResource.deleteAllCubes(LensSessionHandle sessionid)
Delete all cubes
APIResult |
MetastoreResource.deleteAllDimensions(LensSessionHandle sessionid)
Delete all dimensions in metastore
APIResult |
MetastoreResource.deleteAllFacts(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
boolean cascade)
Delete all fact tables
APIResult |
MetastoreResource.deleteAllStorages(LensSessionHandle sessionid)
Delete all storages in metastore
APIResult |
MetastoreResource.dropAllStoragesOfDim(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
String dimTableName)
Drop all the storage tables of a dimension table
APIResult |
MetastoreResource.dropAllStoragesOfFact(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
String factName)
Drop all the storage tables of a fact table
APIResult |
MetastoreResource.dropCube(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
String cubeName)
Drop the cube, specified by name
APIResult |
MetastoreResource.dropDatabase(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
String dbName,
boolean cascade)
Delete the db specified by name.
APIResult |
MetastoreResource.dropDimension(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
String dimName)
Drop the dimension, specified by name
APIResult |
MetastoreResource.dropDimensionTable(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
String dimension,
boolean cascade)
Drop the dimension table, specified by name
APIResult |
MetastoreResource.dropFactTable(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
String factName,
boolean cascade)
Drop the fact table, specified by name
APIResult |
MetastoreResource.dropPartitionOfFactStorageByValues(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
String factName,
String storage,
String values)
Drop the partitions in the storage of a fact table, specified by exact values
APIResult |
MetastoreResource.dropPartitionsOfDimStorageByFilter(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
String dimTableName,
String storage,
String filter)
Drop the partitions in the storage of a dimension table; can specified filter as well
APIResult |
MetastoreResource.dropPartitionsOfDimStorageByValue(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
String dimTableName,
String storage,
String values)
Drop the partitions in the storage of a dimension table, specified by exact values
APIResult |
MetastoreResource.dropPartitionsOfFactStorageByFilter(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
String factName,
String storage,
String filter)
Drop the partitions in the storage of a fact; can specified filter as well
APIResult |
MetastoreResource.dropStorage(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
String storageName)
Drop the storage, specified by name
APIResult |
MetastoreResource.dropStorageFromFact(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
String factName,
String storage)
Drop the storage of a fact, specified by name
APIResult |
MetastoreResource.dropStorageOfDim(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
String dimTableName,
String storage)
Drop the storage of a dimension table, specified by name
APIResult |
MetastoreResource.setDatabase(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
String dbName)
Set the current db
APIResult |
MetastoreResource.updateCube(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
String cubeName,
XCube cube)
Update cube definition
APIResult |
MetastoreResource.updateCubeDimension(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
String dimTableName,
XDimensionTable dimensionTable)
Update dimension table definition
APIResult |
MetastoreResource.updateDimension(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
String dimName,
XDimension dimension)
Update dimension definition
APIResult |
MetastoreResource.updateFactTable(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
String factName,
XFactTable fact)
Update fact table definition
APIResult |
MetastoreResource.updatePartitionOfDimStorage(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
String dimTableName,
String storage,
XPartition partition)
Updates an existing partition for a storage of dimension
APIResult |
MetastoreResource.updatePartitionOfFactStorage(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
String factName,
String storage,
XPartition partition)
updates an existing partition for a storage of fact
APIResult |
MetastoreResource.updatePartitionsOfDimStorage(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
String dimTableName,
String storage,
XPartitionList partitions)
Add new partitions for a storage of dimension
APIResult |
MetastoreResource.updatePartitionsOfFactStorage(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
String factName,
String storage,
XPartitionList partitions)
Batch Update partitions for a storage of fact
APIResult |
MetastoreResource.updateStorage(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
String storageName,
XStorage storage)
Update storage definition
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
APIResult |
QueryServiceResource.cancelAllQueries(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
String state,
String user,
String queryName,
long fromDate,
long toDate)
Cancel all the queries in query server; can be filtered with state and user.
APIResult |
QueryServiceResource.cancelQuery(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
String queryHandle)
Cancel the query specified by the handle.
APIResult |
QueryServiceResource.closeResultSet(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
String queryHandle)
Close the result set once fetching is done.
APIResult |
QueryServiceResource.destroyPrepared(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
String prepareHandle)
Destroy the prepared query specified by handle.
APIResult |
QueryServiceResource.destroyPreparedQueries(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
String user,
String queryName,
long fromDate,
long toDate)
Destroy all the prepared queries; Can be filtered with user.
APIResult |
QueryServiceResource.updateConf(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
String queryHandle,
LensConf conf)
Modify query configuration if it is not running yet.
APIResult |
QueryServiceResource.updatePreparedConf(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
String prepareHandle,
LensConf conf)
Modify prepared query's configuration.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
APIResult |
SessionResource.addResource(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
String type,
String path)
Add a resource to the session to all LensServices running in this Lens server
APIResult |
SessionResource.closeSession(LensSessionHandle sessionid)
Close a Lens server session.
APIResult |
SessionResource.deleteResource(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
String type,
String path)
Delete a resource from sesssion from all the @{link LensService}s running in this Lens server
APIResult |
SessionResource.setParam(LensSessionHandle sessionid,
String key,
String value)
Set value for a parameter specified by key
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
APIResult |
QueryServiceUIResource.cancelQuery(UUID publicId,
String queryHandle)
Cancel the query specified by the handle.
APIResult |
SessionUIResource.closeSession(UUID publicId)
Close a Lens server session.
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