Modifier and Type |
Method and Description |
void |
addAggregateExpr(String expr) |
void |
addColumnsQueried(AbstractCubeTable table,
String column) |
void |
addColumnsQueried(String alias,
String column) |
void |
addColumnsQueriedWithTimeDimCheck(String alias,
String timeDimColumn) |
void |
addDimPruningMsgs(Dimension dim,
CubeDimensionTable dimtable,
CandidateTablePruneCause msg) |
void |
addExprToAlias(org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.parse.ASTNode expr,
org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.parse.ASTNode alias) |
void |
addFactPruningMsgs(CubeFactTable fact,
CandidateTablePruneCause factPruningMsg) |
void |
addOptionalDimTable(String alias,
CandidateTable candidate,
boolean isRequiredInJoin,
String cubeCol,
boolean isRef,
String... cols) |
void |
addOptionalExprDimTable(String dimAlias,
String queriedExpr,
String srcTableAlias,
CandidateTable candidate,
String... cols) |
void |
addOptionalJoinDimTable(String alias,
boolean isRequired) |
void |
addQueriedDimAttrs(Set<String> dimAttrs) |
void |
addQueriedExprs(Set<String> exprs) |
void |
addQueriedExprsWithMeasures(Set<String> exprs) |
void |
addQueriedMsrs(Set<String> msrs) |
boolean |
addQueriedTable(String alias) |
void |
addQueriedTimeDimensionCols(String timeDimColName) |
void |
addSelectAlias(String alias,
String spacedAlias) |
String |
getAlias(String expr) |
String |
getAliasForTableName(Named named) |
String |
getAliasForTableName(String tableName) |
Cube |
getBaseCube() |
Map<Dimension,Set<CandidateDim>> |
getCandidateDimTables() |
Set<String> |
getColumnsQueried(String tblName) |
AbstractCubeTable |
getCubeTableForAlias(String alias) |
Map<String,String> |
getExprToAliasMap() |
String |
getGroupByTree() |
String |
getHavingTree() |
HQLContextInterface |
getHqlContext() |
String |
getInsertClause() |
org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.parse.ASTNode |
getJoinTree() |
Integer |
getLimitValue() |
String |
getNonExistingParts() |
Map<Dimension,org.apache.lens.cube.parse.CubeQueryContext.OptionalDimCtx> |
getOptionalDimensionMap() |
Set<Dimension> |
getOptionalDimensions() |
String |
getOrderByTree() |
static String |
getPartitionColumnOfTimeDim(CubeInterface cube,
String timeDimName) |
String |
getPartitionColumnOfTimeDim(String timeDimName) |
Set<String> |
getPartitionColumnsQueried() |
org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.parse.QBJoinTree |
getQBJoinTree() |
Set<String> |
getQueriedDimAttrs() |
AbstractCubeTable |
getQueriedTable(String alias) |<String> |
getQueriedTimeDimCols() |
String |
getSelectAlias(int index) |
String |
getSelectFinalAlias(int index) |
String |
getSelectTree() |
Map<String,Set<String>> |
getTblAliasToColumns() |
static String |
getTimeDimOfPartitionColumn(CubeInterface cube,
String partCol) |
String |
getTimeDimOfPartitionColumn(String partCol) |
String |
getWhereTree() |
boolean |
hasAggregates() |
boolean |
hasCubeInQuery() |
boolean |
hasDimensionInQuery() |
boolean |
isAggregateExpr(String expr) |
boolean |
isAutoJoinResolved() |
boolean |
isCubeMeasure(String col) |
void |
print() |
void |
pruneCandidateFactSet(CandidateTablePruneCause.CandidateTablePruneCode pruneCause)
Prune candidate fact sets with respect to available candidate facts.
void |
pruneCandidateFactWithCandidateSet(CandidateTablePruneCause.CandidateTablePruneCode pruneCause)
Prune candidate fact with respect to available candidate fact sets.
void |
pruneCandidateFactWithCandidateSet(CandidateTablePruneCause pruneCause) |
void |
setJoinCond(org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.parse.QBJoinTree qb,
String cond) |
boolean |
shouldReplaceTimeDimWithPart() |
org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.parse.ASTNode |
toAST(org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.Context ctx) |
String |
toHQL() |
void |
updateExprColDim(String tblAlias,
String col,
Dimension dim) |
void |
updateRefColDim(String col,
Dimension dim) |