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Uses of Interface org.apache.lens.server.api.query.QueryOutputFormatter (Lens 2.1.0-beta-incubating API)

Uses of Interface

Packages that use QueryOutputFormatter

Uses of QueryOutputFormatter in org.apache.lens.lib.query

Classes in org.apache.lens.lib.query that implement QueryOutputFormatter
 class AbstractFileFormatter
          Abstract implementation of FileFormatter, which gets column details from AbstractOutputFormatter.
 class AbstractOutputFormatter
          Provides abstract implementation of the query output formatter.
 class FilePersistentFormatter
          File formatter for PersistedOutputFormatter

This is a WrappedFileFormatter which can wrap any FileFormatter.

 class FileSerdeFormatter
          File format which provides implementation for InMemoryOutputFormatter

This is a wrapped formatter, which serializes the rows of the result with configured serde.

 class HadoopFileFormatter
          A hadoop file formatter

This has capability to create output on Hadoop compatible files systems, with hadoop supported compression codecs.

 class WrappedFileFormatter
          Wraps the formatter FileFormatter, which can have implementations like HadoopFileFormatter or ZipFileFormatter.
 class ZipFileFormatter
          Zip file formatter.

Uses of QueryOutputFormatter in org.apache.lens.server.api.query

Subinterfaces of QueryOutputFormatter in org.apache.lens.server.api.query
 interface InMemoryOutputFormatter
          Query result formatter, if the result from driver is in in-memory.
 interface PersistedOutputFormatter
          Query result formatter, if the result is persisted by driver.

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