This project has retired. For details please refer to its Attic page. (Lens 2.1.0-beta-incubating API)


Class Summary
BaseSparkAlgo The Class BaseSparkAlgo.
BaseSparkClassificationModel<MODEL extends ClassificationModel> The Class BaseSparkClassificationModel.
ColumnFeatureFunction A feature function that directly maps an HCatRecord to a feature vector.
DoubleValueMapper Directly return input when it is known to be double.
FeatureFunction Function to map an HCatRecord to a feature vector usable by MLLib.
FeatureValueMapper Map a feature value to a Double value usable by MLLib.
HiveTableRDD Create a JavaRDD based on a Hive table using HCatInputFormat.
SparkMLDriver The Class SparkMLDriver.
TableTrainingSpec The Class TableTrainingSpec.
TableTrainingSpec.DataSample The Class DataSample.
TableTrainingSpec.GetLabeledPoint The Class GetLabeledPoint.
TableTrainingSpec.TableTrainingSpecBuilder The Class TableTrainingSpecBuilder.
TableTrainingSpec.TestingFilter The Class TestingFilter.
TableTrainingSpec.TrainingFilter The Class TrainingFilter.

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