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org.apache.lens.api.metastore (Lens 2.1.0-beta-incubating API)

Package org.apache.lens.api.metastore

Class Summary
ObjectFactory This object contains factory methods for each Java content interface and Java element interface generated in the org.apache.lens.api.metastore package.
XBaseCube For XBaseCube, user would give the full specification of the measures and dimensions, expressions and join-chains.
XChainColumn Java class for x_chain_column complex type.
XColumn Column in table.
XColumns Java class for x_columns complex type.
XCube XCube can either be a Base cube for which the user would give the full specification of the measures and dimensions or can be a Derived cube, for which the user would specify only the measure names, dimension names and parent.
XDerivedCube For XDerivedCube, user would specify only the measure names, dimension names and its parent.
XDimAttribute A dim attribute.
XDimAttribute.RefSpec Java class for anonymous complex type.
XDimAttributes Set of dim attributes.
XDimAttrNames Set of dim attribute names.
XDimension XDimension consists of set of attributes, expressions, join-chains
XDimensionTable DimensionTable which belongs to a Dimension.
XExprColumn An expression column
XExpressions Set of expressions.
XFactTable Fact table that is associated to a base cube.
XFlattenedColumn Java class for x_flattened_column complex type.
XFlattenedColumns LENS will use this type to return all flattened columns reachable from a cube or dimension.
XJoinChain Join chain represents the paths to reach a dimension.
XJoinChains Set of join chains.
XJoinEdge Represents an edge associated with join path.
XJoinEdges Sequence of join edges.
XJoinPath Represents a path associated with chain.
XJoinPaths Set of join paths.
XMeasure A cube measure.
XMeasureNames Set of measure names.
XMeasures Set of measures.
XNativeTable Native tables in metastore.
XPartition Partition details
XPartitionList Compact data structure for storing List of partitions.
XPartSpec Java class for x_part_spec complex type.
XPartSpecElement Partition column name and its value.
XProperties A list of property elements.
XProperty A key-value pair for storing property's name and its value.
XSkewColList Skew column list.
XSkewedInfo Table skew info.
XSkewedValueLocation Map of the list of values to location.
XStorage The storage specified by name, which would represent the underlying storage of data.
XStorageTableDesc The storage table description specifies the underlying format wrt how to read/write data.
XStorageTableElement Storage and storage table description and update periods
XStorageTables Storage table elements describing the storage name, its update periods and table description.
XTableReference Java class for x_table_reference complex type.
XTableReferences Set of table references.
XTimePartSpec Java class for x_time_part_spec complex type.
XTimePartSpecElement Time partition column name and its value as date-time.
XUpdatePeriods Java class for x_update_periods complex type.

Enum Summary
XMeasureType Java class for x_measure_type.
XUpdatePeriod Java class for x_update_period.

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