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Uses of Class org.apache.lens.api.StringList (Lens 2.1.0-beta-incubating API)

Uses of Class

Packages that use StringList   

Uses of StringList in

Methods in that return StringList
 StringList MLServiceResource.getAlgoNames()
          Get a list of algos available
 StringList MLServiceResource.getModelsForAlgo(String algorithm)
          Get model ID list for a given algorithm.
 StringList MLServiceResource.getParamDescription(String algorithm)
          Gets the human readable param description of an algorithm
 StringList MLServiceResource.getReportsForAlgorithm(String algoritm)
          Get list of reports for a given algorithm.

Uses of StringList in org.apache.lens.server.metastore

Methods in org.apache.lens.server.metastore that return StringList
 StringList MetastoreResource.getAllCubes(LensSessionHandle sessionid, String cubeTypes)
          Get all cubes in the metastores, of the specified type
 StringList MetastoreResource.getAllDatabases(LensSessionHandle sessionid)
          Get all databases in the metastore
 StringList MetastoreResource.getAllDimensionNames(LensSessionHandle sessionid)
          Get all dimensions in the metastore
 StringList MetastoreResource.getAllDimensionTablesOfDimension(LensSessionHandle sessionid, String dimensionName)
          Get all dimtables that belong to a dimension in the metastore
 StringList MetastoreResource.getAllDims(LensSessionHandle sessionid)
          Get all dimension tables in the metastore
 StringList MetastoreResource.getAllFacts(LensSessionHandle sessionid)
          Get all fact tables in the metastore in the current database
 StringList MetastoreResource.getAllFactsOfCube(LensSessionHandle sessionid, String cubeName)
          Get all facts that belong to a cube in the metastore
 StringList MetastoreResource.getAllNativeTables(LensSessionHandle sessionid, String dbOption, String dbName)
          Get all native tables.
 StringList MetastoreResource.getAllStorages(LensSessionHandle sessionid)
          Get all storages in the metastore
 StringList MetastoreResource.getDimensionStorages(LensSessionHandle sessionid, String dimension)
          Get all storages of the dimension table in the metastore
 StringList MetastoreResource.getStoragesOfFact(LensSessionHandle sessionid, String factName)
          Get all storages of the fact table in the metastore

Uses of StringList in org.apache.lens.server.session

Methods in org.apache.lens.server.session that return StringList
 StringList SessionResource.getParams(LensSessionHandle sessionid, boolean verbose, String key)
          Get a list of key=value parameters set for this session.
 StringList SessionResource.listResources(LensSessionHandle sessionid, String type)
          Lists resources from the session for a given resource type.

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