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Uses of Class org.apache.lens.api.metastore.XProperties (Lens 2.0.1-beta-incubating API)

Uses of Class

Packages that use XProperties

Uses of XProperties in org.apache.lens.api.metastore

Methods in org.apache.lens.api.metastore that return XProperties
 XProperties ObjectFactory.createXProperties()
          Create an instance of XProperties
 XProperties XPartition.getPartitionParameters()
          Gets the value of the partitionParameters property.
 XProperties XStorage.getProperties()
          Gets the value of the properties property.
 XProperties XFactTable.getProperties()
          Gets the value of the properties property.
 XProperties XDimensionTable.getProperties()
          Gets the value of the properties property.
 XProperties XDimension.getProperties()
          Gets the value of the properties property.
 XProperties XCube.getProperties()
          Gets the value of the properties property.
 XProperties XStorageTableDesc.getSerdeParameters()
          Gets the value of the serdeParameters property.
 XProperties XPartition.getSerdeParameters()
          Gets the value of the serdeParameters property.
 XProperties XStorageTableDesc.getTableParameters()
          Gets the value of the tableParameters property.

Methods in org.apache.lens.api.metastore with parameters of type XProperties
 void XPartition.setPartitionParameters(XProperties value)
          Sets the value of the partitionParameters property.
 void XStorage.setProperties(XProperties value)
          Sets the value of the properties property.
 void XFactTable.setProperties(XProperties value)
          Sets the value of the properties property.
 void XDimensionTable.setProperties(XProperties value)
          Sets the value of the properties property.
 void XDimension.setProperties(XProperties value)
          Sets the value of the properties property.
 void XCube.setProperties(XProperties value)
          Sets the value of the properties property.
 void XStorageTableDesc.setSerdeParameters(XProperties value)
          Sets the value of the serdeParameters property.
 void XPartition.setSerdeParameters(XProperties value)
          Sets the value of the serdeParameters property.
 void XStorageTableDesc.setTableParameters(XProperties value)
          Sets the value of the tableParameters property.

Uses of XProperties in org.apache.lens.server.metastore

Methods in org.apache.lens.server.metastore with parameters of type XProperties
static Map<String,String> JAXBUtils.mapFromXProperties(XProperties xProperties)
          Convert JAXB properties to Map

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