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Uses of Class org.apache.lens.api.metastore.XPartitionList (Lens 2.0.1-beta-incubating API)

Uses of Class

Packages that use XPartitionList

Uses of XPartitionList in org.apache.lens.api.metastore

Methods in org.apache.lens.api.metastore that return XPartitionList
 XPartitionList ObjectFactory.createXPartitionList()
          Create an instance of XPartitionList

Methods in org.apache.lens.api.metastore that return types with arguments of type XPartitionList
 JAXBElement<XPartitionList> ObjectFactory.createXPartitionList(XPartitionList value)
          Create an instance of JAXBElement<XPartitionList>}

Methods in org.apache.lens.api.metastore with parameters of type XPartitionList
 JAXBElement<XPartitionList> ObjectFactory.createXPartitionList(XPartitionList value)
          Create an instance of JAXBElement<XPartitionList>}

Uses of XPartitionList in org.apache.lens.server.metastore

Methods in org.apache.lens.server.metastore that return types with arguments of type XPartitionList
 JAXBElement<XPartitionList> MetastoreResource.getAllPartitionsOfDimStorage(LensSessionHandle sessionid, String dimension, String storage, String filter)
          Get all partition of the dimension table in the specified storage; can be filtered
 JAXBElement<XPartitionList> MetastoreResource.getAllPartitionsOfFactStorageByFilter(LensSessionHandle sessionid, String factName, String storage, String filter)
          Get all partitions of the fact table in the specified storage; can be filtered as well.

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