An expression column
Java class for x_expr_column complex type.
The following schema fragment specifies the expected content contained within this class.
<complexType name="x_expr_column"> <complexContent> <extension base="{uri:lens:cube:0.1}x_field"> <sequence> <element name="expr_spec" type="{uri:lens:cube:0.1}x_expr_spec" maxOccurs="unbounded"/> </sequence> <attribute name="_type" use="required" type="{}string" /> </extension> </complexContent> </complexType>
name | data type | description |
_type | string | |
expr_spec | array of array of XExprSpec | |
Properties inherited from XField |
name | string | |
tags | XProperties |
{ "_type" : "...", "expr_spec" : [ [ { "expr" : "...", "start_time" : 12345, "end_time" : 12345 }, { "expr" : "...", "start_time" : 12345, "end_time" : 12345 } ], [ { "expr" : "...", "start_time" : 12345, "end_time" : 12345 }, { "expr" : "...", "start_time" : 12345, "end_time" : 12345 } ] ], "name" : "...", "tags" : { "property" : [ [ { "name" : "...", "value" : "..." }, { "name" : "...", "value" : "..." } ], [ { "name" : "...", "value" : "..." }, { "name" : "...", "value" : "..." } ] ] } }