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Lens –

Lens server configuration

The configuration parameters and their default values
No. Property Name Default Value Description
1 hive.server2.async.exec.threads 5 Number of threads required in async thread pool for query execution in the lens directly. Lens uses query execution directly only to add and delete resources, which are mostly synchronous. So keeping to a lower value.
2 hive.server2.authentication NONE Client authentication types. NONE: no authentication check LDAP: LDAP/AD based authentication KERBEROS: Kerberos/GSSAPI authentication CUSTOM: Custom authentication provider (Use with property hive.server2.custom.authentication.class) PAM: Pluggable authentication module.
3 hive.server2.authentication.ldap.Domain The ldap domin
4 hive.server2.authentication.ldap.baseDN LDAP base DN
5 ssl Its value is a string determined by the service provider (e.g. "ssl"). If this property is unspecified, the behaviour is determined by the service provider. It's value will be directly passed as ""
6 hive.server2.authentication.ldap.url LDAP connection URL
7 hive.server2.idle.operation.timeout 0 Closing of operations should be handled by lens. Hive should not invalidate operations upon timeout
8 hive.server2.idle.session.timeout 0 Session should be closed by lens. There would be a mismatch when hive has closed session due to timeout and lens is not aware of that.
9 hive.server2.log.redirection.enabled false Disable the log direction on the lens server sessions. There are no logs required for each session in lens sessions. This will decrease number of file handles associated to lens server.
10 hive.server2.logging.operation.enabled false Disable the operation logging, since there are no execution operation happening in lens session. Keeping it true might conflict with Hive Server if both are running on the same machine causing disappearance of the operation log directory.
11 lens.cube.metastore.completeness.checker.class org.apache.lens.server.api.metastore.DefaultChecker The class that implements the DataCompletenessChecker Interface. This will take effect if the flag "lens.cube.metastore.enable.datacompleteness.check" is set.
12 lens.cube.metastore.enable.datacompleteness.check false This property is to enable Data Completeness Checks while resolving partitions.
13 lens.query.current.time.millis 0 Query current time in millis. This is used to resolve 'now'. If value is set to zero, 'now' is resolved to current value
14 lens.server.alarm.service.impl org.apache.lens.server.scheduler.AlarmService Implementation class for alarm service
15 org.apache.lens.server.LensApplicationListener Implementation class for Lens Application Listener
16 lens.server.base.url The base url for the lens server
17 org.apache.lens.server.ConsistentStateFilter Implementation class for ConsistentState Filter
18 lens.server.database.resource.dir /tmp/lens/resources Top level directory to store database specific static resources which are added to each database. To add a static resource for a DB, create a directory with the same name as that of the DB under this directory, and place the resources inside the DB directory. Any subdirectories under the DB directory and the resources under them will be ignored
19 org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver Database driver for database where Finished queries have to be stored. Also used for database based user config loaders
20 lens.server.db.jdbc.pass JDBC Password for Finished queries table. Also used for database based user config loaders
21 lens.server.db.jdbc.url jdbc:hsqldb:/tmp/lensserver/queries.db JDBC URL where the database for storing finished queries is located. Also used for database based user config loaders
22 lens.server.db.jdbc.user SA JDBC User for Finished queries table. Also used for database based user config loaders
23 lens.server.db.validation.query select 1 from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.SYSTEM_USERS BasicDatasource has a config parameter called validationQuery. This query is run before passing the Datasource to the application to verify if connection is valid. 
dbcp configuration  
validationquery for different databases  
24 lens.server.domain Server domain. This will be used in authentication and Sending emails to users. For the server, the username will be without domain and domain will come through conf.
25 lens.server.driver.selector.class org.apache.lens.server.api.driver.MinQueryCostSelector Class for selecting best driver given the query context
26 lens.server.drivers hive:org.apache.lens.driver.hive.HiveDriver Drivers enabled for this lens server instance
27 lens.server.duplicate.query.allowed false If this is false and same query is submitted by a user in the same session and with the same configuration while earlier query is not completed then lens server will return the handle of the previous query
28 lens.server.enable.console.metrics false Enable metrics to be reported on console
29 lens.server.enable.csv.metrics false Enable metrics to be reported as csv files in a directory
30 lens.server.enable.ganglia.metrics false Enable metrics to be reported on ganglia
31 lens.server.enable.graphite.metrics false Enable metrics to be reported on graphite
32 lens.server.enable.resource.method.metering false Whether to Enable metering for all resource methods.
33 lens.server.estimate.pool.keepalive.millis 60000 Thread keep alive time in milliseconds for the estimate thread pool. If there are no estimate requests for this period,then cached threads are released from the pool.
34 lens.server.estimate.pool.max.threads 100 Maximum number of threads in the estimate thread pool
35 lens.server.estimate.pool.min.threads 3 Minimum number of threads in the estimate thread pool
36 lens.server.estimate.timeout.millis 300000 Timeout for parallel query estimate calls in milliseconds. A driver needs to comeback with a query estimate within this timeout. If the timeout is reached, only the drivers that have provided an estimate would be considered for query selection. If the timeout is reached and none of the drivers have provided an estimate then estimate calls fails with an exception.
37 lens.server.event.service.thread.pool.size The size of thread pool for notifying events. The no value is specified, it uses the available processors as the number.
38 lens.server.grizzly.core.pool.size 20 Core pool size for lens grizzly server
39 lens.server.grizzly.max.pool.size 40 Max pool size for lens grizzly server
40 lens.server.hdfs.output.retention 1 day hdfs output retention period. Default 1 day
41 lens.server.http.notification.conn.timeout.millis 5000 This is the connection timeout for all HTTP Notifications sent by lens server. Default connection timeout is 5 secs
42 10000 This is the read timeout for all HTTP Notifications sent by lens server. Default read timeout is 10 secs
43 org.apache.lens.server.IndexResource Implementation class for Index Resource
44 lens.server.inmemory.resultset.ttl.secs 300 This property defines the TTL(time to live) in seconds for all result sets of type InMemoryResultSet beyond which they are eligible for purging irrespective of whether the result set has been read or not. The default value is 300 seconds (5 minutes).
45 lens.server.launcher.pool.keepalive.millis 60000 Thread keep alive time in milliseconds for the query launcher thread pool. If there are no query launches for this period,then cached threads will be released from the pool.
46 lens.server.launcher.pool.max.threads 100 Maximum number of threads in the query launcher thread pool. Keeping the default to hundred, we may never grow till there, it would go to max for concurrrent queries allowed on all drivers together. This value should be greater than the max concurrent queries allowed on all drivers.
47 lens.server.launcher.pool.min.threads 3 Minimum number of threads in the query launcher thread pool
48 org.apache.lens.server.LogResource Implementation class for Log Resource
49 lens.server.mail.from.address The from field in the notifier mail to the submitter.
50 SMTP Host for sending mail
51 lens.server.mail.port 25 SMTP Port
52 lens.server.mail.smtp.connectiontimeout 15000 Socket connection timeout value in milliseconds. This timeout is implemented by Default is 15 seconds.
53 lens.server.mail.smtp.timeout 30000 Socket read timeout value in milliseconds. This timeout is implemented by Default is 30 seconds.
54 lens.server.max.sessions.per.user 10 Number of sessions can be allowed for each user. User has to close one of the active sessions to open a new session once limit is reached. Otherwise Server throws an exception by saying that opened session limit has been already reached for user.
55 lens.server.metastore.service.impl org.apache.lens.server.metastore.CubeMetastoreServiceImpl Implementation class for metastore service
56 org.apache.lens.server.metastore.MetastoreResource Implementation class for Metastore Resource
57 metrics/ Path of the directory in which to report metrics as separate csv files.
58 The ganglia host name
59 lens.server.metrics.ganglia.port The ganglia port
60 The graphite host name
61 lens.server.metrics.graphite.port The graphite port
62 lens.server.metrics.reporting.period 10 The reporting period for metrics. The value is in seconds
63 lens.server.mode OPEN The mode in which server should run. Allowed values are OPEN, READ_ONLY, METASTORE_READONLY, METASTORE_NODROP. OPEN mode will allow all requests. READ_ONLY mode will allow all requests on session resouce and only GET requests on all other resources. METASTORE_READONLY will allow GET on metastore and all other requests in other services. METASTORE_NODROP will not allow DELETE on metastore, will allow all other requests.
64 org.glassfish.jersey.moxy.json.MoxyJsonFeature Enable Moxy json feature
65 org.apache.lens.api.util.MoxyJsonConfigurationContextResolver Moxy json configuration resolver
66 Implementation class for query scheduler resource
67 lens.server.persist.location file:///tmp/lensserver The directory in which lens server will persist its state when it is going down. The location be on any Hadoop compatible file system. Server will read from the location when it is restarted and recovery is enabled. So, Server should have both read and write permissions to the location
68 lens.server.query.acceptors Query Acceptors configured. Query acceptors are consulted first, before anything happens for the given query. They can either return null or return a messaging indicating why the given query shouldn't be accepted. These can be used to filter out queries at the earliest.
69 lens.server.query.comparator.classes org.apache.lens.server.api.query.comparators.MoreRetriesFirstComparator,org.apache.lens.server.api.query.comparators.QueryPriorityComparator,org.apache.lens.server.api.query.comparators.FIFOQueryComparator The Query cost comparator chain. Queries are compared in this order. To compare queries q1 and q2, first number of retries are considered. The one with more retries is placed first in the queue. If those are same, then their priorities are considered, with higher priorities coming before lower ones. If those are also same, then their submission times are considered. The query that was submitted first is placed first.
70 lens.server.query.cost.parser.class org.apache.lens.server.api.query.cost.FactPartitionBasedQueryCost$Parser The Query cost parser class. Default query cost class used is FactPartitionBasedQueryCost
71 lens.server.query.expiry.check.interval.millis 60000 The interval(milliseconds) with which query expiry will run periodically. Default is 1 minute. The value needs to be much lower than lens.query.timeout.millis. If the final deployment values of query timeout can be smaller, then reduce this value to be much lower.
72 lens.server.query.launching.constraint.factories org.apache.lens.server.query.constraint.TotalQueryCostCeilingConstraintFactory Factories used to instantiate constraints enforced on queries by lens. Every Factory should be an implementation of org.apache.lens.server.api.common.ConfigBasedObjectCreationFactory and create an implementation of org.apache.lens.server.api.query.constraint.QueryLaunchingConstraint. A query will be launched only if all constraints pass.
73 lens.server.query.phase1.rewriters Query phase 1 rewriters. This is to convert user query to cube query. The resulting cube query will be passed for validation and rewriting to hql query. 
Use cases will be to use extra intelligence to convert user query to optimized cube query.  
Or define shortcuts for certain frequently used queries :)
74 lens.server.query.resultset.retention 1 day Lens query resultset retention period. Default 1 day
75 lens.server.query.service.impl org.apache.lens.server.query.QueryExecutionServiceImpl Implementation class for query execution service
76 lens.server.query.state.logger.enabled true Disable or enable the query state logger with this config. The location for the logger can be specified in logback xml for the class org.apache.lens.server.query.QueryExecutionServiceImpl.QueryStatusLogger
77 org.apache.lens.server.query.QueryServiceResource Implementation class for Query Resource
78 lens.server.querypurger.sleep.interval 10000 The interval(milliseconds) with which purger to run periodically. Default 10 sec.
79 lens.server.quota.service.impl org.apache.lens.server.quota.QuotaServiceImpl Implementation class for quota service
80 org.apache.lens.server.quota.QuotaResource Implementation class for Quota Resource
81 org.apache.lens.server.LensRequestLoggingFilter Implementation class for Request logging Filter
82 lens.server.resultset.purge.enabled false Whether to purge the query results
83 lens.server.resultsetpurger.sleep.interval.secs 3600 Periodicity for Query result purger runs. Default 1 hour.
84 lens.server.savedquery.jdbc.dialectclass$HSQLDialect Dialect of the target DB, Default is HSQL. Override with the target DB used.
85 lens.server.savedquery.list.default.count 20 Key denoting the default fetch value of saved query list api.
86 lens.server.savedquery.list.default.offset 0 Key denoting the default start value of saved query list api.
87 lens.server.savedquery.service.impl Implementation class for saved query service
88 Implementation class for Saved query Resource
89 lens.server.scheduler.instance.waiting.thread.interval.millis 300000 Thread interval for checking the waiting instances in milliseconds
90 lens.server.scheduler.max.job.per.user -1 Maximum number of jobs that can be scheduled by a single user. If the number is less than zero, then there is no restriction on the number of jobs scheduled.
91 lens.server.scheduler.service.impl org.apache.lens.server.scheduler.SchedulerServiceImpl Implementation class for query scheduler service
92 org.apache.lens.server.scheduler.SchedulerDAO$SchedulerHsqlDBStore A subclass of SchedulerDBStore class used for storing scheduler related information.
93 org.apache.lens.server.scheduler.ScheduleResource Implementation class for query scheduler resource
94 lens.server.scheduling.queue.poll.interval.millisec 2000 The interval at which submission thread will poll scheduling queue to fetch the next query for submission. If value is less than equal to 0, then it would mean that thread will continuosly poll without sleeping. The interval has to be given in milliseconds.
95 org.apache.lens.server.ServerModeFilter Implementation class for ServerMode Filter
96 lens.server.service.provider.factory org.apache.lens.server.ServiceProviderFactoryImpl Service provider factory implementation class. This parameter is used to lookup the factory implementation class name that would provide an instance of ServiceProvider. Users should instantiate the class to obtain its instance. Example -- Class spfClass = conf.getClass("lens.server.service.provider.factory", null, ServiceProviderFactory.class); ServiceProviderFactory spf = spfClass.newInstance(); ServiceProvider serviceProvider = spf.getServiceProvider(); -- This is not supposed to be overridden by users.
97 lens.server.servicenames session,alarm,query,savedquery,metastore,scheduler,quota These services would be started in the specified order when lens-server starts up
98 lens.server.session.expiry.service.interval.secs 3600 Interval at which lens session expiry service runs
99 lens.server.session.service.impl org.apache.lens.server.session.HiveSessionService Implementation class for session service
100 lens.server.session.timeout.seconds 86400 Lens session timeout in seconds.If there is no activity on the session for this period then the session will be closed.Default timeout is one day.
101 org.apache.lens.server.session.SessionResource Implementation class for Session Resource
102 1048576 Output Stream Buffer Size used in writing lens server state to file system. Size is in bytes.
103 lens.server.state.persistence.enabled true If flag is enabled, state of all the services will be persisted periodically to a location specified by lens.server.persist.location and on server restart all the services will be started from last saved state.
104 lens.server.state.persistence.interval.millis 300000 Lens server state persistence time interval in milliseconds
105 lens.server.statistics.db lensstats Database to which statistics tables are created and partitions are added.
106 lens.server.statistics.log.rollover.interval 3600000 Default rate which log statistics store scans for rollups in milliseconds.
107 Default implementation of class used to persist Lens Statistics.
108 lens.server.statistics.warehouse.dir file:///tmp/lens/statistics/warehouse Default top level location where stats are moved by the log statistics store.
109 lens.server.status.update.exponential.wait.millis 30000 Number of millis that would grow exponentially for next update, incase of transient failures.
110 lens.server.status.update.maximum.delay.secs 1800 The maximum delay in seconds for next status update to happen after any transient failure. This will be used a maximum delay sothat exponential wait times not to grow to bigger value.
111 lens.server.status.update.num.retries 10 The number of retries a status update will tried with exponentital back off, in case of transient issues, upon which query will be marked FAILED.
112 -1.0 A query submitted by user will be launched only if total query cost of all current launched queries of user is less than or equal to total query cost ceiling defined by this property. This configuration value is only useful when TotalQueryCostCeilingConstraint is enabled by using org.apache.lens.server.query.constraint.TotalQueryCostCeilingConstraintFactory as one of the factories in lens.server.query.constraint.factories property. Default is -1.0 which means that there is no limit on the total query cost of launched queries submitted by a user.
113 lens.server.user.resolver.custom.class Required for CUSTOM user resolver. In case the provided implementations are not sufficient for user config resolver, a custom classname can be provided. Class should extend org.apache.lens.server.user.UserConfigLoader
114 lens.server.user.resolver.db.keys lens.session.cluster.user, Required for DATABASE and LDAP_BACKED_DATABASE user resolvers. For database based user config loaders, the conf keys that will be loaded from database.
115 lens.server.user.resolver.db.query select clusteruser,queue from user_config_table where username=? Required for DATABASE and LDAP_BACKED_DATABASE user resolvers. For database based user config loader, this query will be run with single argument = logged in user and the result columns will be assigned to lens.server.user.resolver.db.keys in order. For ldap backed database resolver, the argument to this query will be the intermediate values obtained from ldap.
116 lens.server.user.resolver.fixed.value Required for FIXED user resolver. when lens.server.user.resolver.type=FIXED, This will be the value cluster user will resolve to.
117 lens.server.user.resolver.ldap.bind.dn Required for LDAP_BACKED_DATABASE user resolvers. ldap dn for admin binding example: CN=company-it-admin,ou=service-account,ou=company-service-account,dc=dc1,dc=com...
118 lens.server.user.resolver.ldap.bind.password Required for LDAP_BACKED_DATABASE user resolvers. ldap password for admin binding above
119 lens.server.user.resolver.ldap.fields department Required for LDAP_BACKED_DATABASE user resolvers. list of fields to be obtained from ldap. These will be cached by the intermediate db.
120 lens.server.user.resolver.ldap.intermediate.db.delete.sql delete from user_department where username=? Required for LDAP_BACKED_DATABASE user resolvers. query to delete intermediate values from database backing ldap as cache. one argument: logged in user.
121 lens.server.user.resolver.ldap.intermediate.db.insert.sql insert into user_department (username, department, expiry) values (?, ?, ?) Required for LDAP_BACKED_DATABASE user resolvers. query to insert intermediate values from database backing ldap as cache. arguments: first logged in user, then all intermediate values, then current time + expiration time
122 lens.server.user.resolver.ldap.intermediate.db.query select department from user_department where username=? and expiry>? Required for LDAP_BACKED_DATABASE user resolvers. query to obtain intermediate values from database backing ldap as cache. two arguments: logged in user and current time.
123 Required for LDAP_BACKED_DATABASE user resolvers. for searching intermediate values for a user, the search keys. example: cn=users,dc=dc1,dc=dc2...
124 (&(objectClass=user)(sAMAccountName=%s)) Required for LDAP_BACKED_DATABASE user resolvers. filter pattern for ldap search
125 lens.server.user.resolver.ldap.url Required for LDAP_BACKED_DATABASE user resolvers. ldap url to connect to.
126 lens.server.user.resolver.propertybased.filename /path/to/propertyfile Required for PROPERTYBASED user resolver. when lens.server.user.resolver.type is PROPERTYBASED, then this file will be read and parsed to determine cluster user. Each line should contain username followed by DOT followed by property full name followed by equal-to sign and followed by value. example schema of the file is: user1.lens.server.cluster.user=clusteruser1 *.lens.server.cluster.user=defaultclusteruser *
127 lens.server.user.resolver.type FIXED Type of user config resolver. allowed values are FIXED, PROPERTYBASED, DATABASE, LDAP_BACKED_DATABASE, CUSTOM.
128 lens.server.waiting.queries.selection.policy.factories org.apache.lens.server.query.collect.UserSpecificWaitingQueriesSelectionPolicyFactory Factories used to instantiate waiting queries selection policies. Every factory should be an implementation of org.apache.lens.server.api.common.ConfigBasedObjectCreationFactory and create an implementation of org.apache.lens.server.api.query.collect.WaitingQueriesSelectionPolicy.
129 multipart,moxyjson,moxyjsonconfigresovler These JAX-RS Feature(s) would be started in the specified order when lens-server starts up
130 requestlogger,consistentState,serverMode These JAX-RS filters would be started in the specified order when lens-server starts up
131 appevent These listeners would be called in the specified order when lens-server starts up
132 session,metastore,query,savedquery,quota,scheduler,index,log These JAX-RS resources would be started in the specified order when lens-server starts up